What's New at

Boost the Audio-Visual Revolution

Monday, November 27, 2006

Things are happening here at Audio-visual things.

Take, for example, the home page's colorful slideshow of current stories. Or episodes one through five of our brand new Sanga Podcast. And with a little help, we can ensure there'll be lots more to come. Plans are underway to upgrade our live temple broadcast, add new paintings to the gallery, bring you more podcasts, and even give you online video content, including shows on various aspects of our Krishna conscious culture.

Please help this become a reality by donating whatever you can.

Sanga Five

Friday, November 24, 2006

Hello Sanga listeners. Welcome to Episode Five of our new weekly podcast. You can now subscribe to our podcast feed here:

The format of this week's show is different from previous programs. Last week, you heard about the launch of our new food network. Log on to's home page to see it showcased there, or type into the address bar of your browser. The launch of our new food network was planned just in time for a the celebration of Thanksgiving, an annual holiday honored in America and Canada by taking time from work to spend with family and friends, and of course, with a big feast too. It is a time to express our gratitude for the things in our life we are thankful for.

One thing we are very grateful for is Srila Prabhupada making available in English the ancient Sanskrit text of the Srimad Bhagavatam. The Srimad Bhagavatam is the beautiful story of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This week on Sanga, you'll hear Nagaraja Dasa, the editor of Back to Godhead magazine, read the First Canto, Second Chapter of these divine narrations of pure hearted souls. We offer this to you with the understanding that hearing these transcendental recitations will raise our consciousness to a higher status of being and awareness.

To find out more about this sacred text, go to and select Books from the top menu.

Vegetarian Thanksgiving

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sanga - Our New Podcast

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Here it is, our Sanga podcast, a weekly audio program with news, discussions, interviews, meditations, offering you an audio tour of what's happening at So sit back, relax, listen to Sanga:
After you've listened to our show, contact us with your comments and suggestions for improvement.

ISKCON World Address Directory

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The ISKCON World Address Directory is back, and this time it's more user-friendly than ever before! The regularly updated list includes temples, farms, communities, restaurants, gurukulas, dayschools, get-togethers, devotee businesses and ISKCON affiliates in over 90 countries. You can search through the quick list, enter keywords or even create your own custom listing. Search results include descriptions and maps. So wherever you are in the world, find a link to Krishna near you!

Following Srila Prabhupada DVD

Monday, November 06, 2006

Brand new in our store this week is "Following Srila Prabhupada." The first DVD in a ten-part series, it chronicles the activities of this great revolutionary spiritual leader through interviews with his disciples and followers. Interviews include Allen Ginsberg, Bahulasva dasa, Damodar Dasa, Hridayananda Goswami, Jadurani Dasi, and Malati Dasi. With high quality recording and sound, this DVD collection is a must-have. Check out the promotional video here.